Friday, July 15, 2011

Can subconscious pattern recognition explain the ESP phenomena?

Maybe in some ways for some people but it doesn't explain things such as dreams i have had that have come true such as deaths in the family etc and then there are times like this one time my daughter was at special ed school (she has autism) and i was at home an hours drive away (live in the country) and i got that anxious dreadful feeling you get when something is wrong. My heart was pounding i couldn't stand still and was starting to panic, and i knew that there was something wrong with my child. Ten minutes after i started to get anxious etc the teacher called me to say that my daughter needed to go to hospital and was in pain, and in the background i could hear her screaming in pain. Now that morning before i took her to special school she was fine with not one symptom. There was another time too while i was on a bus with my daughter, out of know where again my heart started to pound with that awful anxious feeling. I had this urge to grab my daughter and hold on to her tight and about ten seconds after i did so the bus driver slammed on his brakes and everyone went flying with a few people seriously hurt. If i didn't grab hold of my daughter when i did, she would of been one of those unlucky people hurt. So i do believe in ESP.

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