Saturday, July 16, 2011

Muslim woman sues Abercrombie & Fitch over hijab?

Another freeloader, welcome to the US where the freebies abound ! This lazy woman who is being told to do this by her lazy husband. Shouldn't she be stoned if she speaks with a male customer? Or, is she wanting just some of the Muslim freedoms and laws? Funny how they certainly believe in lawsuits! Part of having a job is wearing the clothesor uniform the employe says not what she wants to wear. She may have worn the rag in the interview but she did not work there at the time. Who would employ themselves at a place with such a high profile for THE AMERICAN LOOK.. then Scream victim???? due to my religious beliefs, i am forbidden from having any muslim touch my purchases, so you must submit to my beliefs, i demand it! yeah, sure. At least she doesn't have to worry about being stoned here. America needs to adopt the belief of Australia.. Your welcome to come and live amoung.. but the moment you are no longer willing to conform to our basic standards... GO HOME.. This is America..but using our fore-father's statements, misconstruing them for YOUR advantage is old.. GO HOME.. where life is "less miserable". If the Muslims don't like the American policies then by all means they need to go back to their country where they have so many more freedoms!!!!!!! I'm going to openly admit that if I see a muslim in a store I leave. I feel like they're traitors in our mist sort of thing. I do not trust them. I won't even fly because I won't sit next to one. Look at what they do to their own people, even in THIS COUNTRY, and tell me why they should be accepted and trusted. THE COMPANY SHOULD NOT HAVE HIRED HER----- THEY NEED SOME NEW HR PEOPLE---IT IS OUR RIGHT TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ANY ONE---ESPECIALLY THE PEOPLE WHO HATE THIS COUNTRY----DISRESPECT THIS COUNTRY---ESPECIALLY THE MUSLIMS---On second thought , maybe they should keep that lice infested head covered ! You never now what new disease is lurking under that filth . If it looks as bad as it smells it must really be contagious. You ever do an arab chick? They are o.k. once you shave their vaginas and underarms and wash them with soap and water underneath there. In this particular case, she does'nt have any grounds for a law suit whatsoever. This company did not discriminate her. If they discriminated her, they would have never hired her in the first place. They hired her, gave her a chance, and then when she would'nt go by the dress code, she was fired. It has nothing to do with discrimination.

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